Keyhole Tenant Screening Terms
Terms and conditions for landlords using Keyhole Tenant Screening in connection with rental agreements with private tenants.
Updated: 25.01.2025
1. Billig and Payment
1.1. Tenant screening is invoiced monthly in arrears for "Pay as you go" and in advance for prepaid packages. The payment deadline is net 14 days.
2. Delivery Terms
2.1. Tenant screening is available without prior agreement. If the service is used without purchasing a prepaid package or entering into another written agreement, billing is automatically based on "Pay as you go" prices according to the current price list.
3. Terms
3.1. By using Keyhole Tenant Screening, you accept that:
a. A completed search cannot be credited.
b. The system performs a new check each time, so two consecutive searches on the same personal identification number will be invoiced as two separate searches.
c. The result of a search will be available for 7 days, after which it is removed from the list.
The result of a search may be one of the following:
a. A list of payment remarks.
b. No payment remarks.
c. Debt to Keyhole that is not yet registered as a payment remark.
d. A search cannot be performed because the individual has name and address protection.
2. Processing of Personal Data
2.1. Keyhole processes personal data in compliance with data protection laws and respects the rights of the data subject in this regard. For further details, see the "Privacy Policy".
DISCLAIMER: Our terms and conditions have been automatically translated for convenience. The original terms and conditions in Danish is the authoritative version. In case of any discrepancies or inconsistencies between the translated version and the original Danish version, the Danish version shall prevail.