Keyhole Portal Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions for landlords using the Keyhole Portal. 

Updated: 25.01.2025

1.    Introduction

1.1.    This document outlines the terms and conditions applicable to your registration with Keyhole ApS ("Keyhole", "us", or "we") for the online portal for landlords, the Keyhole Portal ("Portal"), and your use of the services provided by Keyhole or our partners ("Agreement"). We may also offer additional services and features associated with our services. Services may be added, modified, or replaced over time, see Section 3 (Changes to the Agreement) below.

1.2.    This document constitutes a legally binding agreement between you ("Landlord") and us.

2.    Keyhole Services

2.1.    Keyhole provides the following services either independently or through one or more of Keyhole’s partners:

a. The Keyhole Portal, which allows the Landlord to invite Tenants to both Keyhole Deposit and Keyhole Split, manage issued guarantees, make changes, and use Keyhole Tenant Screening.

b. Keyhole Deposit, consisting of one or both of the following services:

2.1.b.1. A deposit-free move-in solution where a guarantee is provided to the Landlord as a replacement for the Tenant’s payment of a deposit; and/or
2.1.b.2. Prepaid rent, where a guarantee is provided to the Landlord as a replacement for the Tenant’s payment of prepaid rent.

See separate terms: “Keyhole Deposit Guarantee Terms.”

c. Keyhole Split, where the Tenant can finance the payment of a deposit, prepaid rent, and/or move-out claims.

See separate terms: “Keyhole Split Terms.”

d. Keyhole Tenant Screening, where the Landlord gains access to Keyhole’s creditworthiness assessment of the Tenant.

See separate terms: “Keyhole Tenant Screening Terms.”

2.2.    The above-mentioned services and the terms for each service, as described below, apply to the extent that you have opted for the respective service.

3.    Keyhole Portal

3.1.    To use the services provided by Keyhole, the Landlord must register as a user of the Portal. The Portal is made available as a free service.

3.2.    The Portal provides a fast and easy way for the Landlord to manage rental agreements using Keyhole’s services and allows the Landlord to offer Keyhole’s services to potential new tenants.

3.3.    Keyhole continuously updates the Portal and the services available in the Portal.

3.4.    The Landlord’s access to the Portal is personal and limited to the employees of the Landlord who have been granted access. If the Landlord suspects that an unauthorised person has gained access to the Landlord’s data or password, the Landlord must immediately change the password and inform Keyhole.

4.    Changes to the Agreement

4.1.    We may unilaterally modify the Agreement. If we modify the Agreement to introduce new services that do not affect the terms and conditions of your existing services, we will inform you of such changes promptly and, in any case, before you use the new services.

4.2.    For other changes to the Agreement, we will provide at least thirty (30) days’ written notice before such changes take effect.

4.3.    The changes to the Agreement will automatically take effect after the notice period unless you notify us beforehand that you wish to terminate the Agreement.

5.    Termination of the Agreement

5.1.    The Agreement may be terminated by either party with three (3) months’ written notice. However, either party may terminate the Agreement immediately in the event of a material breach by the other party.

5.2.    Material breach includes, for example, if:

a.    Keyhole has reasonable suspicion that the Landlord is using automated means to access the Portal and automatically collect data from the Portal without prior consent from Keyhole;

b.    The Landlord misuses the onboarding process for Tenants to Keyhole Deposit or Keyhole Split to check a Tenant’s credit rating without completing the onboarding and sending an invitation to the Tenant. Misuse occurs if the Landlord initiates onboarding more than three (3) times, receives credit assessment information, and then cancels onboarding;

c.    The Landlord provides Keyhole with false, incomplete, and/or misleading information;

d.    The Landlord does not respect Keyhole’s intellectual property rights; and/or

e.    The Landlord acts in violation of applicable laws.

5.3.    Notwithstanding the above, the Landlord may cease offering Keyhole’s services at any time.

5.4.    Termination of the Agreement does not affect already issued guarantees, which remain valid until terminated or expire under the terms of the individual guarantees.

6.    Transfer

6.1.    If one or more of the Landlord’s properties are sold, for which the Guarantor has provided guarantees to the Landlord for one or more of the Tenant’s obligations, all guarantees concerning the respective property or properties are transferred to the new owner and reflected in the Portal once ownership has been documented to Keyhole.

6.2.    Except as stated above, the Landlord may not transfer their rights or obligations under this Agreement.

6.3.    Keyhole and the Guarantor may freely transfer their rights under this Agreement.

7.    Limitation of Liability

7.1.    Neither Keyhole nor the Guarantor for Keyhole Deposit is liable for direct or indirect losses incurred by the Landlord due to circumstances beyond the control of Keyhole or the Guarantor, such as changes in laws, injunctions, acts of war, strikes, blockades, boycotts, lockouts, or similar circumstances in Denmark or abroad.

7.2.    The provision regarding strikes, blockades, boycotts, and lockouts also applies if Keyhole or the Guarantor is affected by or initiates such a conflict measure.

7.3.    Keyhole and/or the Guarantor are also not liable for damages resulting from interruptions or disruptions in automated data processing, data transmission, telecommunications, power supply, other electronic communication, or technical equipment beyond the control of Keyhole or the Guarantor.

7.4.    Neither Keyhole nor the Guarantor is liable for damages and direct or indirect losses arising from other circumstances unless due to Keyhole’s or the Guarantor’s gross negligence or intent.

8.    Property Administrators and Authorised Representatives

8.1.    Keyhole’s services are available to property administrators and other persons authorised by the property owner to act on their behalf concerning the property and tenancy.

8.2.    If the Landlord does not own the properties to which Keyholes services relate, the Landlord warrants, by accepting these terms, that they have the necessary authority to use Keyholes services for the properties they manage or otherwise control.

8.3.    If the Landlord does not own the property, the Landlord must ensure that the legal owner of the property agrees to these terms and conditions before the Landlord can use Keyholes services.

8.4.    The Landlord agrees to be liable for any loss that Keyhole or the Guarantor may suffer as a result of the Landlord not having the necessary authority.

9.    Intellectual Property Rights

9.1.    All intellectual property rights related to Keyhole, Keyhole’s App, and the Portal (including, but not limited to, domain names, patents, trademarks, and copyrights) belong to Keyhole or Keyhole’s partners. You are only entitled to use these intellectual property rights if explicitly stated in the Agreement or through a separate written agreement.

10.    Communication

10.1.    We communicate with you in English or Danish at your choice.

10.2.    You agree that we primarily communicate with you via the Keyholes App or the Portal, but we may also send notifications in accordance with or in connection with the Agreement (except for notifications that, by law, must be sent in paper form) via email to your email address. You must immediately inform us of any changes to your contact details.

11.    Governing Law and Jurisdiction

11.1.    This Agreement is governed by Danish law, and all disputes between the Landlord and us shall be resolved by Danish courts.

DISCLAIMER: Our Portal terms and conditions have been automatically translated for convenience. The original terms and conditions in Danish is the authoritative version. In case of any discrepancies or inconsistencies between the translated version and the original Danish version, the Danish version shall prevail.